Irish Black Cattle Association
PO Box 7, Arlee, Montana 59821

IRISH BLACKS and IRISH REDS are registered trademarks owned by I.B. and R. Trademarks, LLC and licensed to the IBCA.

The Official Breed Association
The Official Breed Association

American Beef Genetics . . .
Made in the USA!
Irish Black and Irish Red cattle are developed to carry genetically dominant traits desired by the U.S. beef industry. The Irish Black or Irish Red is of well-balanced conformation and superior performance suited for the purpose of efficiently and consistently producing quality beef.

Mission of the IBCA:
  • To provide beneficial services to promote the economic well-being and satisfaction of Irish Black® Cattle Association members and their customers.
  • To record and preserve the pedigrees of Irish Black® and Irish Red® Cattle, while maintaining the quality, value, and integrity of the breed.

  • To develop programs, materials, curriculum, advertising, marketing, and publicity that will best promote the interests of Irish Blacks® and Irish Reds®.
  • To further the use in the American beef industry of Irish Black® and Irish Red® seedstock by progressive cattle producers.
The Irish Black Cattle Association is the Official Breed Association of all Irish Black and Irish Red Cattle in the United States.  It is a not for profit member based association.  The Irish Black Cattle Association is licensed by the Irish Black and the Irish Red Trademarks as the sole American Breed Association for Irish Blacks and Irish Reds.

Only cattle registered with or certified by the IBCA carry the popular Irish Black or Irish Red Genetics.  Verify cattle claimed to be Irish Black or Irish Red Purebred or Percentage Genetics BEFORE YOU BUY; contact the IBCA OFFICE at (406) 644-2000 for confirmation.